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Multilingual Learners

Multilingual Learner Department

MLL teachers provide supplemental English language development through direct instruction for students at English proficiency levels 1-5. At the elementary level, most MLLs receive the greater part of their instruction in the general education classroom. Classroom and MLL teachers collaborate to teach language, create accommodations, and differentiate based on the needs of the students in their classrooms. MLL service is provided through a co-teaching model and/or small-group instruction designed for MLL students. These services are often provided in Reader’s, Writer’s, and/or Math Workshop.  Collaboration allows for planning, teaching, and assessment of content and language objectives for MLLs in the mainstream classroom (Echevarria, Vogt, & Short, 2009). 

MLL Teachers

Pierre Cejudo

EA2 - ELL/LCD Bi-lingual 10 Mo

CJ Folkert

Tchr - English Second Language

Izaskun Lejarcegui

Tchr - Latino Consent Decree

Maddie Muse

Tchr - Latino Consent Decree

Yeng Vang

Tchr - English Second Language