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Sue Farinacci- Physical Education

Welcome to Physical Education

  • My name is Susan Farinacci and I have been teaching at Riverview School since 1994. I graduated from Concordia St. Paul with a BA in elementary education, K -12 physical education and coaching license. 

    In my spare time I enjoy playing with my two boys. One is in 3rd grade and the other is in 4th grade. During my quiet time I enjoy sitting down and reading a good book.

    I also enjoy playing softball and golf in the summer and skiing in the winter. I also enjoy working out at the gym, rock climbing, going for a run, rollerblading or a long hike.   I guess you could say I enjoy anything that involves being active and being outside.

    In my gym classes all students are expected to have tennis shoes everyday.  In class all students are expected to run, stretch, do sit-up and push-up everyday.  We also play a variety or different sports and work on different skills depending on which unit we are in. 

    Some of the skills the students in Kindergarten thru 2nd grade work on during the school year are: skipping, galloping, throwing, catching, tagging, working with other classmates, jump roping, cup stacking, and kicking.

    Some of the skills the students in 3rd thru 5th grade work on during the school year are:  skills needed for the sports of soccer, football, volleyball, badmitton, floor hockey, cup stacking  and kickball.

Contact Ms. Farinacci